Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What's working?

It seems a bit rich the government launching another review of the benefit system and hassling the unemployed. Sure, everyone should work and that work should be beneficial, progressive and rewarding and maybe people shouldn't be 'wasters'. Ok, notwithstanding the usual antagonisms of the employer/employee relationship and some utopian vision of a better society then surely official ideology should be held up to more scrutiny?

Whilst far eastern economies are beginning reaping the rewards of progressive development the angst of our western leaders stifles much that is forward. Itself mocking New Labour's slogan 'Forwards, not back' and, indeed, 'Thiiings can only get bettter'.

Yeah, right, it would be hilarious if the consequences weren't likely to be disastrous. Britain is stuck in the mud and our leaders seem to like wallowing in it or being beholden to the stuff (mayan rebirthing and environmentalism (1).

UK industry is in a right state - it cannot use the talents of the workforce properly, is mired in reams of bureaucracy (what happened to saving the rainforest?) and 'real' jobs are losing out to low skilled work or growth in layers of admin.

The benefit system is not one that offers a decent existence and to some could be a cop out but given that the powers that be seem to be doing their utmost to hamper everything progressive maybe they should give themselves a looking over while they are at it.

What are our MPs for anyway? (2)

Of further interest -

Cheap shots -

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